Powerful Geography
Public Works Inspectors

Public Works Inspectors

Public Works Inspectors


Main Topic: Environment and Society
Secondary Topic: Places and Regions

Overview: Public works inspectors are a type of construction and building inspectors who ensure that the construction of public works conform to specification, including water and sewer systems, highways, streets, bridges, and dams. In general, construction and building inspectors review plans, approve building plans, monitor construction sites, use survey instruments, inspect finished buildings, issue citations, keep logs, and write reports. Public works inspectors may specialize in land construction or public works around water.

People with a background in geography would fit well into this field due to their understanding of field methods, like surveying, and the environment. Public work inspectors will need to complete a certifications and continued training to remain up to date with local codes. They would also benefit with some experience in construction or engineering. This field is expected to continue growing in the next decade.

Geographers at work: Environmental geographers, Physical geographers

Recommended College Courses: Introduction to Physical Geography, Environmental Management, Introduction in Environmental Geography, Natural Resource Use and Management, Energy Resource Management, Community and Regional Planning, Environmental Hazards, Cities and Urban Design, Water Resources, Water Resources Planning, Solid Waste Planning and Management, Air Quality Management, Community and Regional Planning, Parks and Protected Places

Skills: Maps and mapmaking, Human resource management, Field methods, Location analysis, Local geography, Communication, Local codes and policies

Occupation Group: Construction and Extraction

Learn more about Public Works Inspectors from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/construction-and-extraction/construction-and-building-inspectors.htm#tab-2

Written by Alisa Hartsell