Citizen Action – Environment
Main Topic: Environment and Society
Secondary Topic: Physical Geography
Overview: There is a new emphasis on “Citizen Action” to improve the Earth’s environment. While the concept of “Citizen Action” implies volunteer or individual work, there will be a great need for organizers, leaders, and group workers to make this process a success. Geographers have traditionally taken responsibility for improving the environment, including water, air, the soil, forests, or the management of our solid waste materials. Improving our environment is everyone’s responsibility but there are meaningful jobs and careers associated with Citizen Action in the environment. Many communities employ lots of people in “Green” recycling centers. Metal, cans, and other materials can be recycled. Geographers have worked with volunteer groups such as the Boy and Girl Scouts and have planted millions of trees. And, school groups often organized by teachers or municipal employees have joined for “River cleanup” days.
Geographers at Work: Physical Geographers
Recommended College Courses: Physical Geography, Quantitative Methods, Geographic Information Systems, Environmental Management
Skills: Knowledge and understanding of the interface between the human and physical environment. Developing a commitment to improving the environment. Surveying municipal guidelines for environmental clean opportunities. Analyze businesses for a commitment to environmental cleanup.

Written by Dr. Richard G. Boehm