Market Research Analyst
Main Topic: Human Geography
Secondary Topic: Places and Regions
Overview: The market analysis or consultation is in need in many businesses. It usually uses surveys to investigate people’s willingness to a new product. From a regional analyst to an international consultant, they can integrate geographic information into the market and expand the scale of market analysis within globalization, which can help businesses develop new markets in different areas. Investigating people’s habits in different places and analyzing their patterns. Researching the reasons of how different areas develop these patterns different. Predicting the new market performance based on places’ patterns and giving suggestions to optimize their products and services.
Geographers at Work: Human Geographers
Recommended College Courses: Human Geography, Regional Geography, Quantitative Methods, Qualitative Methods, Geographic Information Systems, Cultural Geography
Skills: GIS, business analysis, knowledge of local culture, globalization thinking, reasoning, programming
Occupation Group: Business and Financial
Learn more about Market Research Analyst from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor:
Written by Kaleigh Shuler