Powerful Geography
Heavy and Tractor-trailer Truck Driver

Heavy and Tractor-trailer Truck Driver

Heavy and Tractor-trailer Truck Driver


Main Topic: Places and Regions
Secondary Topic: Environment and Society

Overview: Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers must navigate between locations to transport goods. Drivers have a range of routes that can span between intercity routes or several states. A dispatcher will assign a driver’s route, but some independent drivers plan their own routes. Drivers must be able to include navigation issues and daily breaks into their plans. Routes with certain cargo, including hazardous materials, must be planned carefully and adhere to safety regulations. In addition to driving and planning, many heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers also need to complete business tasks. Most truck driving jobs are in the private sector or are contracted for public sector jobs. Some drivers are in the business for themselves, known as owner-operators. Over the next ten years, this job is expected to grow as the demand for goods and delivery services increase.

Geographers at work: Environmental Geographers, Urban geographers, Economic Geographers,

Recommended College Courses: Geographic Information Systems, Energy Resource Management, Urban Geography, Community and Regional Planning, Environmental Hazards, Location Analysis,

Skills: location analysis, map reading,

Occupation Group: Transportation and Material Moving

Learn more about Heavy and Tractor-trailer Truck Driver  from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/transportation-and-material-moving/heavy-and-tractor-trailer-truck-drivers.htm#tab-2

Written by Alisa Hartsell


Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers transport goods from one location to another.
Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers transport goods from one location to another.