Geography Teacher
Main Topic: Human Geography
Secondary Topic: Places and Regions
Overview: Geography teachers are part of the broader field of education and important in our education system to better prepare students be thoughtful citizens. In general, teachers must create lessons, assess students, teach subjects, communicate with parents, prepare assessments, enforce classroom rules, supervise students, and work with other faculty.
In elementary and middle school, they will have to teach a variety of subjects including geography to help students better understand the world. Geography teachers expose students to unfamiliar parts of the world. They need to understand geospatial technology that affect their students everyday like GPS and weather forecasting. Teaching geography is very useful in connecting students to real world current events.
High school teachers need to focus on small fields like social studies including geography. In general, high school teachers must plan lessons, assess students, grade students, communicate with parents, prepare assessments, enforce classroom rules and work with other faculty. Since these educators specialize in an area of study, most geography teachers will also have a background in other areas of social studies and education. At this level, teachers prepare their students for life after graduation and need to prepare students for college or the workforce. Many high school teachers will also take on the responsibility of coaching teams or be responsible for student organizations.
Geography teachers typically work in public schools, however there are job opportunities in private and charter schools.
Geographers at work: Human geographers, Physical geographers
Recommended College Courses: Introduction to Cultural Geography, World Geography, Introduction to Physical Geography, Introduction in Environmental Geography, Economic Geography, Urban Geography, Political Geography, Maps and Mapmaking, American Ethnic Geography
Skills: Geospatial technologies, Human resource management, Qualitative and quantitative methods, Field methods, Regional geography
Occupation Group: Education, Training, and Library
Learn more about Geography Teachers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor:
Written by Dr. Richard G. Boehm and Alisa Hartsell