Main Topic: Physical Geography
Secondary Topic: Environment and Society
Overview: Depending on the position, a climatologist might be called upon to wear many different hats. A climatologist might do hands on research such as taking water or soil samples, then analyze and report on the data. They may make presentations on their research at seminars or conferences, or provide an analysis of other research to employers, government officials, or other interested parties. Climatologists can also be problem solvers, applying the research to address local climate issues, or to determine how to best work under different climate conditions. For example, they can work with or as weather forecasters, working to improve accuracy through developing new measurement tools and statistical models; conduct simulations; and translate findings into more easily understood terms for the general public. Climatologists can work in academic and research institutions as well as government, public or private agencies, and nonprofits. Climatologists can also take on a consulting role, working for engineering and environmental consulting firms. Some general duties for a Climatologist include: Analyze and interpret data obtained from meteorological stations, radar and satellite imagery, and computer models; Analyze historical climate data; use models to predict future climate trends; Research influencers that affect climate change; Explain and illustrate how climate may impact wetland ecology, biodiversity, and human health; Communicate research findings to the international scientific community and the public; Conduct research on atmospheric events; Develop and analyze mathematical computer data models.
Geographers at work: Climatologists, Meteorologists, Physical Geographers
Recommended College Courses: Physical Geography, Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Climatology, Quantitative Methods
Skills: Quantitative Methods, Environmental Modeling, Geographic Information Science, Remote Sensing, Field Methods, Computer Programming
Occupation Group: Life, Physical, and Social Science
Learn more about Climatologists from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor:
Written by Christopher Hinojosa