Conservation Land Managers
Main Topic: Environment and Society
Secondary Topic: Places and Regions
Overview: Conservation land managers are a type of conservation scientist that manage and protect preserves and conservation lands. They specifically work to protect wildlife habitat, biodiversity, scenic value, and other attributes of an area. In general, conservation land managers oversea conservation activities and ensure compliance with regulatory bodies. They also create plans for managing an areas’ resources. They work will be in the field using a variety of geospatial technology, GIS, GPS, and remote sensing, to take measurements and collect data on preserves. With the data collected, they will create plans for conservation in a unique area. Conservation land managers work for land trusts and conservation organizations rather than public agencies.
Geographers at work: Environmental geographers, Physical geographers
Recommended College Courses: Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems, Advanced GIS, Remote Sensing, Introduction to Physical Geography, Environmental Management, Introduction in Environmental Geography, Natural Resource Use and Management, Geomorphology, Regional Field Studies, Landscape Biogeography, Parks and Protected Places, Remote Sensing and Earth Observation, GPS and GIS
Skills: GIS, GPS, Remote sensing, Human resource management, Environmental Mapping and modeling, Field methods, Landscape and location analysis
Occupation Group: Life, Physical, and Social Science
Learn more about Conservation Land Management from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor:
Written by Alisa Hartsell