Military Service and Operations
Main Topic: Places and Regions
Secondary Topic: Human Geography and Physical Geography
Overview: Every branch of the U.S. Military has a need for geographers. Geospatial technology skills are critical for military specialists. Skills including surveying, map reading, environmental analysis, weather, climate change, understanding natural resource management and many cultural matters are important to many servicemen and women. Examples of types of occupations for enlisted personnel with geographic specialties include transportation administrative personnel, construction personnel, information technology specialist, intelligence specialists, and transportation or material-handling personnel. Examples of types of officers with geographic specialties include meteorologist, atmospheric scientists, social scientists, support services officers specializing in logistics or transportation, and transportation officer. Military service careers, especially in logistics and technology, will continue to grow in the coming decade.
Geographers at work: Physical geographers, Human geographers, Environmental geographers, GIS and Remote Sensing Specialists, Cartographers, Climatologists, Meteorologists, Transportation geographers,
Recommended College Courses: Introduction to Cultural Geography, World Geography, Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Introduction to Physical Geography, Weather and climate, Introduction in Environmental Geography, Meteorology, Climatology, World population, Transportation systems, Maps and mapmaking,
Skills: Geospatial technology, Location and landscape analysis, natural resource and energy management, expertise in transportation,
Occupation Group: Military
Learn more about Military Service from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor:
Written by Dr. Richard G. Boehm