Recycling and Reclamation Workers
Main Topic: Environment and Society
Secondary Topic: Human Geography
Overview: Recycling and reclamation workers help prepare and sort through materials to be recycled. They also look for and identify any hazards during the sorting process and remove those hazards during sorting. During the reclamation process they may break down big items such as cars or refrigerators and reduce them to their basic parts so they might also be recycled. Geographers have a natural passion for the environment and enjoy working in occupations that help support a healthy environment. With knowledge of environmental hazards as well as sustainability, geographers make great recycling and reclamation workers.
Geographers at work: Physical Geographers
Recommended College Courses: Environmental Management, Physical Geography, Waste Management
Skills: Environmental hazards, sustainability, physical geography, public safety.
Occupation Group: Green Jobs
Learn more about Recycling and Reclamation Workers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor:
Written by Kaleigh Shuler