Location of a New McDonalds
Main Topic: Human Geography
Secondary Topic: Places and Regions
Overview: Corporate headquarters in Chicago has determined that there is enough demand for McDonalds food and drink to open a new restaurant in Austin, TX. This will mean fitting this Golden Archway into a pre-existing network of 12 other McDonalds, to serve a rapidly growing population. Marketing geographers in Chicago and Austin, transportation planners, real estate agents and brokers, real estate developers, customer/diversity analyst, food logistics planners, municipal economic and environmental guideline experts, mapping, GIS, customer travel to food behaviors, employee availability analyst.
Geographers at Work: Physical Geographers, Geographic Information Systems Specialists
Recommended College Courses: Physical Geography, Geographic Information Systems, Human Geography, Regional Geography
Skills: GIS; geospatial technology; market analysis; land valuing; transport (public/private) analysis; economic/business reliability; business planning; customer needs analysis; dietary needs; food service planning.