Survey Researchers
Main Topic: Human Geography
Secondary Topic: Places and Region
Overview: Survey researchers design and analyze survey data by collecting factual data or asking questions to better understand people’s opinions or preferences. They will do background research on topics, plan and design surveys, test surveys for understanding, coordinate with interviewers, analyze the data collected, then summarize data into reports for interested parties. Surveys can range in topics from health or education to buying preferences. Geographers are well-suited to survey research because of their ability to target areas or populations for research and excel in background research and survey design. Survey researcher are most likely to work for professional, technical, or scientific services, but can specialize in market research or government data collection. Jobs opportunities are available for those who have completed university degrees and can be very competitive.
Geographers at work: Human geographers, Business geographers, Local geographers
Recommended College Courses: World Geography, Research Methods in Geography, Economic Geography, Community and Regional Planning, Political Geography, World Population, Cities and Urban Design, Location Analysis, American Ethnic Geography, Transportation systems, Web Mapping
Skills: Qualitative methods, Field methods, Mapping, Human resource management, Working with census data
Occupation Group: Life, Physical, and Social Science
Learn more about Survey Researchers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor:
Written by Alisa Hartsell