Powerful Geography
Management Analyst

Management Analyst

Management Analyst


Main Topic: Human Geography
Secondary Topic: Environment and Society

Overview:  Management analysts, often called management consultants, recommend ways to improve an organization’s efficiency. They advise managers on how to make organizations more profitable through reduced costs and increased revenues. Although some management analysts work for the organization that they analyze, many work as consultants on a contractual basis. The work of management analysts may vary from project to project. Some projects require a team of analysts, each specializing in one area. On other projects, analysts work independently with the client organization’s managers. Management analysts often specialize in certain areas, such as inventory control or reorganizing corporate structures for efficiency. Some focus on a specific industry, such as healthcare or telecommunications. In government, management analysts usually specialize by type of agency. Organizations hire management analysts to develop strategies for entering and remaining competitive in the market. Management analysts who work on contract may write proposals and bid for jobs. Typically, an organization that needs the help of a management analyst requests proposals from a number of consultants and consulting companies that specialize in the needed work. Interested companies then submit a proposal that explains details such as how the work will be completed, what the schedule will be, and how much it will cost. The organization selects the proposal that best meets its needs and budget.

Demand for management analysts is expected to grow much faster than most occupations (as of 2021).

Geography skills and awareness contribute to success as a management analyst, especially if consulting engagements often take the analyst to different cities, regions, and countries.  Company culture, the ways in which the company’s products are developed, produced, marketed, and understood by their customers, and even differences in physical geography can all have a large impact on the management analyst’s recommendations to their client.  Management analysts should understand their clients, and be aware of how culture, social issues, and economics can change dramatically with location.

Geographers at work:  Business geographer, industrial geographer, cultural geographer, economic geographer, human geographers

Recommended College Courses:  Business geography, urban geography, economic geography, cultural geography, industrial geography, human geography, physical geography

Skills:  Understanding of economics, finance, markets, human behavior, and especially how business is influenced by geography (people and places); computer and database systems; critical thinking; teamwork

Occupation Group: Business and Financial

Learn more about Management Analysts from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor:  https://www.bls.gov/ooh/business-and-financial/management-analysts.htm#tab-1

Written by Christopher Anderson