Powerful Geography
Student – Sciences (Life, Physical, Social Science)

Student – Sciences (Life, Physical, Social Science)

Interested in the Sciences

Learn about different jobs in the sciences and how geography is used!

LIFE SCIENTISTS are a broad category of professionals in the areas of agricultural, biological and medical sciences as well as conservation and forestry. Life scientists study living organisms in the fields of medical science, biology, biophysics, biochemistry, microbiology, forestry, soil and plant science, conservation, zoology, animal and wildlife sciences, and also the processes of food packaging and preservation. Their responsibilities include improving the quality of life through study and analysis, research and development, medical treatments etc.


PHYSICAL SCIENCE is a branch of natural science that studies non-living systems and focuses on physical properties and energy. A physical scientist usually carries out research work within a specialized field of study such as chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology, environmental science etc. Typically, physical scientists work in laboratories, along with some field work.


SOCIAL SCIENCE is a category of academic disciplines, concerned with society and the relationships among individuals within a society. Generally speaking, these disciplines use scientific methods to analyze the various aspects of human behavior. Social scientists include anthropologists, archaeologists, sociologists, industrial and organizational psychologists, political scientists etc. Typically, social scientists analyze, observe and study human behavior and interactions from social, cultural, behavioral, historical and political perspectives and develop specific theories or solutions.


TECHNOLOGY is used within the life, physical and social sciences. Various technologies include geographical information systems, remote sensing, LIDAR, survey, drones, and satellite and aerial imagery.


The Occupational Health and Safety Specialists and Technicians pathway includes professionals who evaluate and analyze workplace environments for safety issues and hazards to people, property or the environment. Their responsibilities may include reviewing and improving working conditions, inspecting equipment or machinery and testing for chemical, physical or biological hazards. They may also be required to evaluate compliance with regulations and laws, and propose new programs and policies. The specialists are assisted in their work by technicians who collect data for analysis and evaluate risks for the workers.


Occupational Health and Safety Specialists


Voices from the Field

Adelle Thomas, Senior Caribbean Research Associate at Climate Analytics; Visiting Researcher, University of the Bahamas
Amanda Sankey, Environmental Consultant, Crouch Environmental Services, Inc.
Angeline Johnson, FUSE Fellow, FUSE Corps
Brent Sams, Viticulture Research Scientist, E&J Gallo Winery
Caitlin Kontgis, Applied Scientist Lead (Solutions), Descartes Labs
Carmen Leedham, Senior GIS Analyst
Cristi Delgado, GISP, Enterprise GIS & Open Data Coordinator, City of Berkeley, California
Daniel McGlone, Senior GIS Analyst and Cicero Data Manager, Azavea
Darryl Cohen, Geographer, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau
Douglas Gress, Professor of Economic Geography, Seoul National University
Frank Boscoe, Research Scientist, New York State Cancer Registry
Hope Morgan, GIS Manager, North Carolina Geospatial & Technology Management Office within NC Emergency Management
Hsiao-Chien Shih, Data Scientist
Jane Daniels, Director of Preservation Programs at Colorado Preservation, Inc.
Keaton Shennan, GIS Web Developer at WSB Engineering
Lisa Brownell, Program Manager, Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit at Ohio Development Services Agency
Melanie Vanderhoof, Research Geographer, U.S. Geological Survey
Natasha Rivers, Sustainability and Measurement Director at BECU
Nicolas Saravia, GIS Consultant and Start Up Advisor
Nikolas Smilovsky, Bad Elf, LLC GIS & Mapping Solutions
Patricia Syvrud, Minerals, Materials and Society Program Manager at University of Delaware
Pete Chirico, Research Geographer & Associate Director of the Eastern Geology and Paleoclimate Science Center at U.S. Geological Survey
Richard Quodomine, Senior Lead GIS Analyst, Department of Public Property, City of Philadelphia
Tim Fullman, Senior Ecologist, The Wilderness Society
Wei Li, Professor of Asian Pacific American Studies and Geography, Arizona State University
Yasuyuki (Yas) Motoyama, Assistant Professor of City and Regional Planning, The Ohio State University; former Research Director, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation (2011-2017)

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