Main Topic: Human Geography
Secondary Topic: Places and Regions
Overview: Demographers study the makeup, distribution and trends of a population- particularly areas such as births, deaths and immigration. They collect statistical data, analyze the data for trends and predict future trends. Many times, demographers work for the government, but some are employed as market analysts for private companies. Geographers make natural demographers because the core concepts of demography (birth rate, death rate, ext.) are taught as introductory human geography concepts. Geographers are trained to not only to collect large amounts of data, but to analyze in spatially as well.
Geography is central to the work of the Census Bureau, providing the framework for survey design, sample selection, data collection, tabulation, and dissemination. Geography provides meaning and context to statistical data. Given the diversity of our population, our economic activities, and our geographic areas, use of the latest and best geographic methodologies is critical to the Census Bureau’s ability to serve as the leading provider of statistical and geospatial data. Our geographic area concepts, information, and statistical data must keep pace with the needs of the researchers and analysts who work to understand the changing distribution and characteristics of our people, places and economy. Some duties for Census Geographers include, but are not limited to: Develop criteria to define geographic areas; work with partners to collect geographic data about their boundaries including annexations, ensure we have the most up to date geographic and address data, develop tools for more efficient ways, and share data to share best practices; maintain a large spatial database with spatial data for the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas; create reference and thematic maps to support censuses and surveys; process and geocode millions of addresses in our Master Address File (MAF); develop quality measures and assess the quality of our geographic and address data.
Geographers at work: Demographic Geographers, Human Geographers, Population Geographers, GIS Specialists
Recommended College Courses: Human Geography, Regional Geography, Physical Geography, Geographic Information Systems, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Population Geography
Skills: Data analysis, statistical analysis, geographic information systems (GIS), population geography, working with census data, qualitative methods, quantitative methods, cartography, information technology
Occupation Group: Life, Physical, and Social Science
Learn more about Demographers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor:
Written by Kaleigh Shuler and Christopher Hinojosa