First Responders
Main Topic: Environment and Society
Secondary Topic: Places and Regions
Overview: While medical training and licensing is required, first responders need to understand their local environment. A background in geography is helpful for those working as firemen, police, and emergency management services (EMS) personnel. First responders must assess patients, provide first-aid, transport patients, navigate roads, and manage emergency situations. They need to know routes, street capacity, public works systems, and typical traffic patterns. Transporting patients involves navigating roads as well as being part of a helicopter or flight crew depending on the location. They work for urban governments, transportation authorities, and utility companies. For private companies, first responders with geography can help to enforce environmental guidelines and manage accidents the threaten citizens and the environment.
Geographers at work: Environmental geographers, Health geographers, Transportation geographers,
Recommended College Courses: Environmental Management, Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems, Urban Geography, Community and Regional Planning, Cultural and Political Ecology, Cities and Urban Design, Transportation systems,
Skills: Map reading, Geospatial technology, Human resource management, Local geography, Location analysis,
Occupation Group: Healthcare
Learn more about First Responders from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor:
Written by Dr. Richard G. Boehm