Geological and Hydrologic Technicians
Main Topic: Physical Geography
Secondary Topic: Chemistry, Mathematics, Meteorology
Overview: Technicians in geology and hydrology assist scientists and engineers with the exploration, extraction, and monitoring of natural resources such rocks, minerals, water, natural gas, and soil. They often specialize in either data analysis or fieldwork and laboratory research and collect data on the ground using tools like depth sensors and seismic instruments. Additionally, they employ equipment to gather samples for analysis, including shovels and gauges. These specialists also evaluate mineral samples in laboratories using microscopes, computers, and other tools to solve problems and perform other tasks. The following are examples of geological and hydrologic technicians job titles:
Geologist: Geologists at NASA work at the Lunar Sample Laboratory Facilty, which is also the permanent storage for the Apollo samples. Within this laboratory they are responsible for conducting various experiments and assessments of the lunar rocks using different lab equipment. They are also responsible for maintaining the laboratory equipment, prepare samples for analysis, conduct scientific tests on samples to determine their content and characteristics, record data from tests and compile information for reports, databases and other sources, identify geological characters based on the samples and also inspire technological innovation
Geological and hydrologic technicians usually work in teams. Geological technicians assist with activities including investigating and developing potential sites or assessing the productivity of current ones along with analyzing samples gathered in the field. Hydrologic technicians offer support for a range of tasks, including providing data for water rights negotiations. Technicians in geology and hydrology may collaborate with experts in other fields. To determine the potential effects of drilling on the soil and water quality of an area, for instance, these technicians may collaborate with environmental scientists and technologists.
Geographers at work: Physical geographers, Meteorologists, Geologist
Recommended College Courses: Physical geography, Geology, Hydrology
Skills: Creative with strong scientific background. Knowledge in chemistry and mathematics.
Occupation Group: Life, Physical and Social Science
Learn more about Geological and Hydrologic Technicians from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor:
Written by Binay Thapa