Powerful Geography
Career Digests

Career Digests

Encoding Geography

This project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF Award #1837577) initiated the formation of a researcher-practitioner partnership (RPP) to articulate preK-14 pathways that expanded opportunities for all students to develop spatial and computational (i.e., geo-computational) thinking skills. The pilot RPP is composed of geographers, computer science educators, and geospatial technology specialists experienced in serving underrepresented minority students and communities.

Under the coordination of the American Association of Geographers (AAG), exploratory research was conducted to inform educational standards and tested approaches to help institutions understand the capacity they need to modernize geography education and to broaden the participation of underrepresented minorities in geo-computational curriculum. Building capacity for inclusive pathways in computational geography will increase the potential of all students to contribute to the national innovative ecosystem. This project provides other regions or states the foundational knowledge to design, develop, and implement a strategy to modernize their pathways to computationally-intensive jobs and college majors.

Career Digests

Through the Encoding Geography project, Career Digests were created for teachers.

Economic Geography

Economic Geography

Issue: Sustainable Agriculture

Lesson Inquiry: How can farm management optimize yields and profits while preserving resource?

Career Connection: Viticulture Research Scientist

Issue: Transportation Logistics

Lesson Inquiry: How do transportation businesses predict where and when people will want their services?

Career Connection: GIS Consultant

Environment and Society

Issue: Management of the intersection of infrastructure, vegetation, and geocomputation

Lesson Inquiry: How does geospatial information transform the efficiency of cities?

Career Connection: Utility Consultant

Issue: Public Health

Lesson Inquiry: How is public health addressed at lower socioeconomic levels?

Career Connection: GIS Analyst

Environmental Geography

Issue: Hazard Mapping

Lesson Inquiry: How do cities plan for disaster?

Career Connection: GIS analyst

Issue: Hazards and Disasters

Lesson Inquiry: How do people recover from natural disasters?

Career Connection: Geospatial Consultant and Business Insights and Analytics

Medical Geography

Issue: Health Equity

Lesson Inquiry: How accessible are substance abuse and mental health services in your city?

Career Connection: Statistician

Urban Geography

Issue: GIS Accessibility, Cost, and Application

Lesson Inquiry: How valuable is comprehensive GIS data?

Career Connection: Geospatial Solutions