Marine Corps Field Artillery
Main Topic: Environment and Society
Secondary Topic: Physical Geography
Overview: United States Marine Corps Field Artillery personnel have different areas of responsibility and expertise. Marine Field Artillery includes the following duties: firing battery, which includes moving, loading, firing, and maintaining cannon weapons systems; field artillery operations, which involves moving, operating, and maintaining equipment that acquires targets; and observation and liaison, which includes checking and analyzing combat plans and communicating advice and operating information.
Field Artillery personnel must understand geography, especially if they are responsible for fire direction. They must be able to understand geographic coordinates, both on a map and given in orders. They must understand weather and effects that wind, temperature, and pressure have on direction and distance of artillery fire. They must understand physical geography and the impact that terrain has on cover and concealment of themselves and the enemy targets. All these skills are crucial so that the artillery round fired down-range goes precisely where it is intended.
Geographers at work: Physical geographers
Recommended College Courses: Physical geography, environmental geography, geographic information systems
Skills: Map reading and interpretation; understanding and sensitivity to geographical variations in topography and climate; geographic information systems
Occupation Group: Military
Learn more about Field Artillery from the U.S. Marine Corps:
Written by Christopher Anderson