Powerful Geography
Project Milestones
1. GeoCapabilities (2013-2017)
- International collaborative project that introduced the capabilities approach as a framework for defining and measuring the societal value of geography education.
- Philosophical basis of Powerful Geography.
- Solem, M., Lambert, D., and Tani, S. (2013). Geocapabilities: Toward an International Framework for Researching the Purposes and Value of Geography Education. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 3(3): 214-229.
- (2015). Achieving Human Potential Through Geography Education: A Capabilities Approach to Curriculum Making in Schools. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105(4): 723-735.
2. June 2017: Powerful Geography Expert Workshop
- NCRGE-sponsored event with objective of adapting GeoCapabilities research to inform next iteration of U.S. national geography standards and related future school interventions and teacher education.
- Participants: Richard Boehm (Texas State University), Michael Solem (American Association of Geographers), Robert Morrill (Professor Emeritus, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), James Kracht (Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M University), Joseph Stoltman (Western Michigan University), Audrey Mohan (BSCS), Patricia Solís (Texas Tech University), Thomas Larsen (Kansas State University), Joshua Brake (New Braunfels High School), Trent Wenzel (New Braunfels High School) and Joanna Zadrozny (Texas State University).
3. August 2017: Powerful Geography Early Career Workshop
- NCRGE-sponsored event with early-career scholars. The objective was to develop lesson plans and approaches of conveying principles of Powerful Geography to teachers. Material has been submitted to The Geography Teacher.
- Participants: Richard Boehm (Texas State University), Michael Solem (American Association of Geographers), Joanna Zadrozny (Texas State University), Thomas Larsen (Kansas State University), Joshua Brake (New Braunfels High School), Sandra Metoyer (University of Houston-Clear Lake), Caroline McClure (Texas State University alum), Mary Curtis (University of Texas - Arlington), Jacqueline Waite, Sara Holloway (Texas State University alum), Michael Scholz (Winona State University), and Zach Moore (Eastern Michigan University)

4. June-July 2018: Pilot study of Workforce Data
- $20K RCN-funded grant to AAG. Develop sampling methodology, test lines of questioning for workforce data collection, analysis of interview transcripts.
- Participants: Coline Dony, Alex Lafler, Candice Luebbering, Mark Revell, Michael Solem.
5. July 2018: Powerful Geography Expert Workshop 2
- NCRGE-sponsored event with participants from six pilot study states. Review of pilot study findings and development of research methodology for full-scale study.
- Participants: Richard Boehm (Texas State University), Michael Solem (American Association of Geographers), Joanna Zadrozny (Texas State University), Randy Bertolas (Wayne State College), Thomas Herman (San Diego State University), Aaron Doering (University of Minnesota), Saskia van den Gevel (Appalachian State University), Rebecca Theobald (University of Colorado Colorado Springs), Mark Carter (Texas State University), Jo Beth Ostreich (Texas State University), Debra Troxell (West Forsyth High School), and Matt Lyons (Fort Bend ISD)
6. January 2019: Department of Geography Faculty Workshop
- Participants: Nate Currit, Edwin Chow, Mark Carter, Thomas Loftus, Richard Earl, Richard Dixon, Denise Blanchard-Boehm, (not pictured) Jennifer Devine

7. February 2019: Texas Pilot Study Workshop with Social Studies Consultants
Participants: Maggie Hutchins, Myra Rains, Rosa Salazar, Jo Ostrowski, Robin Sabo, Dick Boehm, Kim Stucker, Marci Smith Deal, Thomas Larsen, Chanda Burch, Whitney Crews, Joann Zadrozny, Amanda Killough, Rubina Pantoja, Sabrina Blankenship, Patty Monroe, Michael Solem, Josh Williams, Charlie Perryman, Mary Curtis (Missing from photo: Jana Poth, Margaret Hamilton, Ben Lewis)
8. October 2019: Texas Pilot Study Workshop 2 with Social Studies Consultants and Teachers
Participants: Thomas Larsen, Jo Ostrowski, Matt Lyons, Mary Curtis, Sherri Driscoll, Kivett Gresham, Charlie Perryman, Robin Manning, Robin Sabo, Ben Lewis, Kim Stucker, Whitney Crews, Josh Williams, Jana Poth, Sabrina Blankenship, Joann Zadrozny, Amanda Killough, Myra Rains, and Dick Boehm (missing from photo: Michael Solem)
Powerful Geography at National and International Conferences
2. March 2018: EUROGEO Conference Cologne, Germany
- A Research Coordination Network for Transformative Research in Geography Education
- Teaching Geography Students about Career Opportunities
2. April 2018: AAG New Orleans
- Panel session reporting on progress of Powerful Geography.
- Presentation of pilot study methodology to GENIP. GENIP agrees to provide feedback on pilot study.
3. August 2018: IGU/NCGE Quebec
- Report on progress of pilot study and preparations for DOE and NSF grant competitions.
- Seek formal endorsement and letter of participation from GENIP.
- Prepare DOE and NSF research proposals.
4. November 2018: Human Development and Capability Association Conference Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Geography Education and Human Capabilities: Powerful Knowledge for Envisioning Sustainable Futures
5. November 2018: GCGE/NCRGE Powerful Geography conference San Jose, Costa Rica
6. April 2019: AAG Washington, DC
7. November 2019: NCGE Austin, TX