Commodities Shipper Manager
Main Topic: Environment and Society
Secondary Topic: Places and Regions
Overview: Individuals that oversea commodities shipments are a type of material recording clerk or managers. Shipping, receiving, and traffic clerks record shipments of commodities as they move in and out of a distribution facility. They must manage records of items shipped, received, or transferred. Clerks use technology to help manage their records but need to be able to check inventories for accuracy and compute costs of shipping. Commodities shippers also include transportation, storage, and distribution managers of items. Manager will oversee the clerks’ operations as well as plan, direct, and coordinate the transportation of goods in accordance with policies and laws. Shippers typically work in the private sector, including for rail or trucking companies. They may work with local, national, or international commodities. The movement of materials is important with growing interest in online retail.
Geographers at work: Economic geographers, Transportation Geographers, Urban Geographers,
Recommended College Courses: World geography, Economic geography, GIS and GPS, Transportation systems, Location analysis, Maps and mapmaking
Skills: Computer skills, mapping, Geospatial technology, Human resource management, Qualitative methods, local geography
Occupation Group: Transportation and Material Moving and Office and Administration Support
Learn more about Commodities Shipper from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor:
Written by Dr. Richard G. Boehm