Real Estate Developer
Main Topic: Places and Regions
Secondary Topic: Human Geography
Overview: There is no specific educational path you will need to take. In fact, many real estate developers make the transition into the career after working several years in other careers that each have their own educational path, such as engineering, urban planning, real estate sales, and other fields. Real estate developers oversee the purchase existing or undeveloped residential, commercial or industrial real estate, make improvements to any buildings on it or construct new buildings, and sell or lease the improved land or buildings for profit. During the process of real estate development, developers are responsible for buying land, negotiating with zoning officials for the purpose of being granted permits, and managing the labor that builds a commercial or residential project, all while overseeing the budget and sales teams. Some duties include: Liaise with contractors, realtors, engineers, designers, municipal government officials, architects, zoning inspectors, lawyers and other professionals. Recognize the development potential of specific tracts of land. Select site for commercial, residential or industrial development. Secure adequate funding to develop tract of land. Confer with architects, engineers and designers to establish the design and development plans. Confer with zoning officials and realtors to ensure the land is zoned properly. Hire contractors to execute the development. Negotiate terms and costs with contractors. Hire realtors to oversee the sale of the developed land.
Geographers at work: Physical Geographers, Human Geographers, Environmental Geographers, Regional Geographers
Recommended College Courses: Physical Geography, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Management
Skills: Finance, Regional Real Estate Evaluation
Occupation Group: Management & Construction and Extraction
Learn more about Real Estate Developers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor:
Written by Christopher Hinojosa