Powerful Geography
Project Assistant

Project Assistant

Project Assistant


Main Topic: Places and Regions
Secondary Topic: Environment and Society 

Overview: The position of Project Assistant is an entry-level job staffed in almost every industry, and because of this, the education necessary to become a project assistant typically varies by industry. If you have topical education or interest in a certain area, you can typically apply for a project assistant in that area. Project assistants are responsible for providing administrative support to project directors and project managers to help ensure the project is completed within timeline and budgetary restrictions. They typically perform tasks such as creating reports, proofreading documents, conducting research, managing files and collecting data. Project assistants may work on small or large projects on behalf of private companies, government agencies and other organizations. Some typical duties include: Disseminate project information to stakeholdersDevelop and maintain project deliverables under the direction of the project manager or project directorCollect and input data into databasesTake notes during meetingsPrepare meeting materials, including reports, presentations and agendasMake travel and accommodation arrangement for training seminars, conferences and other project related eventsRespond to stakeholder inquiries. 

Geographers at work: Physical Geographers, Human Geographers 

Recommended College Courses: Physical Geography, Human Geography 

Skills: Quantitative Methods, Qualitative Methods, Data Management  

Occupation Group: Office and Administrative Support

Learn more about Project Assistants from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor: https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes194061.htm

Written by Christopher Hinojosa