Powerful Geography




Main Topic: Human Geography
Secondary Topic: Places and Regions 

Overview: Lobbyist work to influence major decisions in government by petitioning and working with officials and lawmakers. They can work for corporations, non-profits, charities, government agencies and institutions. Geographers would make natural lobbyists, because in order to do their job properly a lobbyist needs to be informed on a wide range of political issues. Lobbyists need to have excellent communication and people skills and must also be willing to travel and work in a wide range of diverse environments.  

Geographers at work: Human Geographers, Political Geographers

Recommended College Courses: Human Geography, Regional Geography, Qualitative Methods, Geographic Information Systems, Political Geography

Skills: Strong communication skills, knowledge of legislative process, demographics, policy research, critical thinking.

Occupation Group: Government

Learn more about Lobbyist  from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Labor: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-science/political-scientists.htm  

Written by Kaleigh Shuler


Lobbyists are individuals who advocate on behalf of interest groups, corporations, or organizations to influence government decisions, policies, and legislation by engaging with lawmakers and officials.
Lobbyists are individuals who advocate on behalf of interest groups, corporations, or organizations to influence government decisions, policies, and legislation by engaging with lawmakers and officials.